Das Siegertreppchen des Soundchecks spiegelt sich auch in den Prioritäten der Ausgabe: Primordial, Irlands ausdauerndste musikalische Konstante der letzten 25 Jahre, stehen mit ihrem neuen Opus „Exile Amongst The Ruins“ im Zentrum der Titelstory, doch auch der imposante, aber quantitativ überschaubare Backkatalog wird gewürdigt. Im Soundcheck werden sie von der Schweden-Übermacht Necrophobic und The Crown gesandwicht, die jeweils auch mit ausführlichen Interviews zu „Mark Of The Necrogram“ und „Cobra Speed Venom“ vertreten sind.
1.) LEGACY-COMPILATION mit 19 Tracks: Balmog, Fleshworks, Ancst, Necrodeath, Megathérion, Arsafes, Shockproof, Armored Dawn, Desdemonia, Kaoteon, Reject The Sickness, Metalsteel, Auger, Cremation, Awaken Shepherd, Eternal Halloween, Forty Shades, Killing Suzy, Sons Of Sounds
2.) PRIMORDIAL-MCD mit 5 raren Tracks: ‚Stolen Years‘ und ‚To Hell Or The Hangman‘ repräsentieren die irischen Heiden auf dem derzeitigen Höhepunkt ihrer Schaffenskraft und sind die Vorab-Auskopplungen des neuen Albums „Exile Amongst The Ruins“. ‚Among The Lazare‘ und ‚To The Ends Of The Earth‘ schlagen den Bogen zum nunmehr 25 Jahre alten Demo „Dark Romanticism…“. Mit dem 2005 mitgeschnittenen Slayer-Cover ‚The Antichrist‘ huldigen sie ihren musikalischen Einflüssen und positionieren sich auch ideologisch erneut.
4 POSTER: Machine Head, Necrophobic, Schwarzer Engel, Between The Buried And Me
STUDIOREPORTE: Kataklysm, Dimmu Borgir, Crematory, Grailknights, Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult, Abinchova
Zusätzlich zu den Titel- und Band-Features der CD-Compilation gibt es Interviews mit: Abysmal Grief, Affront, Alex Dawson, Alghazanth, Alterbeast, American Nightmare, Aorlhac, Auri, Barren Earth, Borealis, Broken Skull, Crowned Kings, Cynabare Urne, Dalriada, Dead Alone, Dead City Ruins, Defecto, Dementia, Demonical, Eleanor, Eleine, Emerald Sun, Empires Fall, Endark The Brightness, Eradicator, Erupdead, Eryn Non Dae., Evil Drive, Godslave, Gozu, Graveyard, Hämatom, Harakiri For The Sky, Illuminate, Incantatem, Infidel Reich, Ingested, Inner Core, Insect Arc, J.B.O., Jaded Heart, Kaisers Bart, Kamera Obscura, Killing Gandhi, Letters From The Colony, Letzte Instanz, Light The Torch, Lord Shades, Mass Burial, Memoriam, Michael Schenker Fest, Ministry, Monolithe, Morasth, Nale, Napalm Death, Necrophobic, Negative Self, Night In Gales, Nightwish, Octopus, Oceans Of Sadness, Of Feather And Bone, On Thorns I Lay, Oregon Trail, Outshine, Paara, Poem, Project:Midnight, Rebellion, Revel In Flesh, Revenge, Road To Jerusalem., Schattenmann, Schwarzer Engel, Seasons Of The Wolf, Sebastien, Septic Tank, Squealer, Stormwolf, Thaurorod, The Absence, The Legion:Ghost, Transilvania, Twitching Tongues, Ulster Page, Ungfell, Usurpress, Vinegar Hill, Voracious Scourge, White Wizzard, Wolfpack
The priority topics of this issue reflect the podium of our soundcheck: Irelands most persistent musical constant of the last 25 years and their new opus „Exile Amongst The Ruins“ is the focus of our title story, but also the impressive, yet manageable back catalogue is examined. Within the soundcheck they are sandwiched by the Swedish superiority of Necrophobic and The Crown. In depth interviews value their latest works “Mark Of The Necrogram“ and „Cobra Speed Venom“ highly.
1.) LEGACY-COMPILATION with 19 tracks: Balmog, Fleshworks, Ancst, Necrodeath, Megathérion, Arsafes, Shockproof, Armored Dawn, Desdemonia, Kaoteon, Reject The Sickness, Metalsteel, Auger, Cremation, Awaken Shepherd, Eternal Halloween, Forty Shades, Killing Suzy, Sons Of Sounds
2.) PRIMORDIAL MCD with 5 rare tracks: ‘Stolen Years‘ and ‚To Hell Or The Hangman‘ represent the current creative climax within the discography of these Irish heathens. They are the heralds of the upcoming album „Exile Amongst The Ruins“. ,Among The Lazare‘ and ‚To The Ends Of The Earth‘ are building bridges to the earliest days of the band, originating from the now 20 year old “Dark Romanticism…” demo. The 2005 live interpretation of Slayer’s ‘The Antichrist’ is a tribute to their musical heroes as well as an ideological positioning.
4 POSTERS: Machine Head, Necrophobic, Schwarzer Engel, Between The Buried And Me
STUDIO REPORTS: Kataklysm, Dimmu Borgir, Crematory, Grailknights, Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult, Abinchova
Additionally to the title stories and bands featured on the compilation CD we have further interviews with: Abysmal Grief, Affront, Alex Dawson, Alghazanth, Alterbeast, American Nightmare, Aorlhac, Auri, Barren Earth, Borealis, Broken Skull, Crowned Kings, Cynabare Urne, Dalriada, Dead Alone, Dead City Ruins, Defecto, Dementia, Demonical, Eleanor, Eleine, Emerald Sun, Empires Fall, Endark The Brightness, Eradicator, Erupdead, Eryn Non Dae., Evil Drive, Godslave, Gozu, Graveyard, Hämatom, Harakiri For The Sky, Illuminate, Incantatem, Infidel Reich, Ingested, Inner Core, Insect Arc, J.B.O., Jaded Heart, Kaisers Bart, Kamera Obscura, Killing Gandhi, Letters From The Colony, Letzte Instanz, Light The Torch, Lord Shades, Mass Burial, Memoriam, Michael Schenker Fest, Ministry, Monolithe, Morasth, Nale, Napalm Death, Necrophobic, Negative Self, Night In Gales, Nightwish, Octopus, Oceans Of Sadness, Of Feather And Bone, On Thorns I Lay, Oregon Trail, Outshine, Paara, Poem, Project:Midnight, Rebellion, Revel In Flesh, Revenge, Road To Jerusalem., Schattenmann, Schwarzer Engel, Seasons Of The Wolf, Sebastien, Septic Tank, Squealer, Stormwolf, Thaurorod, The Absence, The Legion:Ghost, Transilvania, Twitching Tongues, Ulster Page, Ungfell, Usurpress, Vinegar Hill, Voracious Scourge, White Wizzard, Wolfpack